Local Clubs & Organisations

If you are involved in any of the listed groups and organisations and wish to update (or delete) any of the information please contact the Parish Council by one of the means indicated on our - Contact the Parish Council page.

If you are involved in a local group that isn’t currently listed and would like to submit details for inclusion you can also do that by using those contact details.

Organisation Contact Address Telephone Other Information
1st Breaston Beavers Angela Clark 01332 874866


1st Breaston Brownies Louisa Theyers 01332 872323
1st Breaston Cubs Angela Clark 01332 874866


1st Breaston Rainbows Mrs M Arden 01332 875059
1st Breaston Scout Group Angela Clark 01332 874866


Athletica Football Club Jordan


Breaston Art Group Julia Gardner 07585 778207
The Breaston Belles WI Group Georgina Walker Communications Secretary - 0115 9724290


Breaston Conservative Association Mrs J Tudbury 32 Plackett Close, Breaston, Derbyshire, DE72 3UG 01332 873287
Breaston Conservative Coffee Club Pam Rose


Breaston Cricket Club 07810 771269
Breaston & Draycott Labour Party Charlie Sarell 01332 872406


Breaston Flower Circle Linda Smith


Breaston in Bloom

(1) Breaston in Bloom | Facebook

Breaston Methodist Church Rev Tony Malcolm


Breaston Park Football Club Gemma Tovey



Breaston Pre-School Play Group Main Street, Breaston, Derbyshire, DE72 3DX 01332 874832


Breaston St Michael's Church Stephe Bowley (Church Warden)


Breaston WI Secretary Kerry Thorogood & Josie Morris - -

Secretary  Kerry – kerry.thorogood@sky.com  Josie – pjcm50@aol.com

Membership Secretary Melody Owen – mowwi91@gmail.com

President – Liz Neal – lizneal58@hotmail.co.uk

Treasurer – Sally Jury – sallyjury11@hotmail.com


Church Wilne Water Sports Club 01332 875574


Church Wilne Rotary Satellite Group Secretary


Erewash VIPS (deaf/blind society) Nancy Plummer 26 Mount Street, Breaston, Derbyshire,DE72 3AJ 01332 873619
Evergreen Club Lee Tivey 0115 9466740


Firfield Primary School Head - James Yellop Firfield Avenue, Breaston, Derbyshire, DE72 3EG 01332 872216
Horizon Club Lorna Kercher

Every first and third Wednesday at Long Eaton United Reform Church Hall 6pm – 8pm

Contact l.kercher@sky.com 

Nature Reserve Volunteer Group Derbyshire Wildlife Trust 01773 881188
Risley Educational Foundation Elaine Warren


We Are Hazza Theatre Group theatre@wearehazza.com Breaston Scout HQ, Blind Lane, Breaston

Theatre School | We Are Hazza



Contacts for booking Halls
St Michael's Church Hall Church Office - Sarah Warburton 01332 872094



Methodist Church Hall Nancy Plummer 01332 873619
Scout HQ Wendy Redfearn Scout HQ, Blind Lane, Breaston, Derbyshire, DE72 3DW 0115 9735103

email: enquiries1stbreastonscouts@gmail.com

Firfield School Hall School Office 01332 872216