Freedom of Information
At the Parish Council meeting held on 10th November 2008 (Minute 75/08.2) the Council RESOLVED that Breaston Parish Council ‘adopts the Model Publication Scheme – Freedom of Information Act 2000’ with effect 1st January 2009.
Much of the information available can be found on this website but hard copies can be requested by contacting the Clerk.
Information on this website is available free of charge. Hard copies may be subject to a charge which may cover the cost of retrieval, photocopying and postage. You will be advised is a charge applies at the time of making a request of information.
Documents may be inspected free of charge at the Parish Council office for which an appointment is necessary. Any charges applying will be determined using the Fee Regulations under the Act.
Model Publication Scheme
To view details of the information available from Breaston Parish Council under the Model Publication Scheme, please click here.
If you request information and the information you receive is not what you requested you should first contact the person who dealt with your enquiry (usually the Clerk). If the information you requested is not available you should be informed of the reason.
If you believe that your requested has not been dealt with fairly and the matter cannot be resolved you should direct your complaint to the Chairman of the Parish Council.
If you have followed this procedure and are still not happy with the outcome, your may also contact the Information Commissioner to request an investigation into the matter. Contact details are as follows:
Information Commissioner
Wycliff House
Water Lane