
The Parish Council meets monthly (except in August) on the second Monday in the month.  Meetings take place in the Parish Meeting Room, Blind Lane, Breaston (view map below) normally starting at 7.15pm.
Meeting Dates for 2024 can be seen here


In addition, the Parish Council has a number of Committees, some of which meet on a scheduled basis and some ‘as and when required’.  Details of these can be viewed by clicking here.

All Breaston Parish Council meetings are open to residents and include a fifteen minute public session where residents are able to raise any concerns or issues.

Agendas and Minutes

Recent agendas and minutes of meetings may be viewed from this link.  Agendas are normally available at least three days before the meeting and are subsequently replaced by the Minutes when they are available.  The most recent minutes may still be subject to confirmation at the next following meeting.