Agendas and Minutes

For each meeting the agenda will be available from the links below.

Minutes of Committees - Minutes of Committees are reproduced within the Minutes of the next following full Council meeting following ratification, where they can be viewed on this site.

Agendas & Minutes - 2021 / 2022


Agendas & Minutes - 2020 / 2021

Please note:

In September 2020, the Website Accessibility Regulations come into force and the Parish Council have undertaken considerable work to ensure that as many people as possible are able to use this website.
Documents, such as the minutes and agendas uploaded to the website, will from May 2020 be compliant.
Historic documents prior to this time are not and it is a disproportionate burden for the documents to be transferred to the new format at this time.

As we move forward all new documents uploaded will be accessible and the Clerk is slowly working through the policies making them compliant. Some documents such as the Financial Regulations and Standing Orders which are provided by the National Association of Local Councils are currently not compliant, but it is expected that the next update will be in line with the new regulations. It will not be possible to make documents which are scanned pdf’s such as the AGAR compliant.

If you need any assistance with the current website, or require hard copies of any documents in larger print format please contact the Clerk: Nicala O’Leary on 01332 870119 or

Agendas & Minutes - 2019 / 2020
Agendas & Minutes - 2018 / 2019
Agendas & Minutes - 2017 / 2018
Agendas & Minutes - 2016 / 2017
Agendas & Minutes - 2015 / 2016